In one famous trial in western Kenya, economists used the alphabet to decide randomly which of 178 Kenyan schools would receive flip charts. 在位于肯尼亚西部的一个著名试验中,经济学家使用字母表,在178所肯尼亚学校中随机抽取了一些学校,向它们发放教学用的活动挂图。
Chen Youxi, a famous defense lawyer, suggested applying a third-instance trial for death sentences, in which a hearing would be arranged for prosecutors and defendants to debate. 著名辩护律师陈友锡(音译)建议对死刑提起三审,让检察官和被告人同时出席庭审,进行辩论。
But the duke had sent for a famous judge to advise him about this trial. 但他已请了一位著名的法官来协助他审理本案。
This famous unit had rendered the highest service. I feel a strong craving for a trial with this celebrated gun. 这支赫赫有名的部队曾立过很大的战功。我手痒痒的,就要拿这件赫赫有名的枪试验一番。
Retrospective Glance of the World-Famous Trial: Comments on Women's International War Crimes Tribunal in Tokyo 世纪大审判回眸&2000年东京女性国际战犯法庭评述